The First Nudie Bar Show (Bud's Eighteenth Birthday) 

    1.The Nudie Bar- where the music stinks and they water the drinks--the
       nudie bar 
    2.Where a buck is enough to see their stuff--the nudie bar 
    3.Where the girlies dance in their underpants--the nudie bar. 
    4.Where you can look at a thigh or blacken an eye at the Nudie Bar. 
    5.Where you can't touch a breast, but you can cave in a chest--the nudie
    6.Where the beer gives you gas, but the Bundy's kickass--- at the nudie

The Next Nudie Bar episode (the women only bowling night). 

    1.The Nudie bar--where the breasts may be fake, but boy can they shake--
       the nudie bar 
    2.Where you can look at her butt, and her trap stays shut--the nudie bar 
    3.Where the cops are at the door and there is a Kennedy on the floor--the
       nudie bar